Thursday, April 25, 2013

Solo Queue Heroes

Not going to post this on sites like I normally do, I don't feel like the quality of it is high enough to warrant publicity but I'm tired of it sitting in my draft queue. Also, lots of opinions.


Recently, I lost a lot of elo, dropping from the top of gold 1 to the bottom of gold 3. While I could find fault within myself for losing some games, there are others where I could absolutely dominate early/mid game, but still lose while playing extremely well due to a lackluster team. At this point, I began to look at what makes certain champions good in solo queue:

Top Lane Nunu - Able to win just about every top lane, solo baron
AP Nidalee - Able to zone entire teams by herself with javelins
Kayle - Great lane phase, able to save champions with her own ult

See the trend? These champions work because they are able to change the pace of the game purely by themselves. Being able to make a game in your favor without any cooperation from your team can greatly increase your chances of winning. For example, I played top Nunu a few weeks back with me being the only one that won my lane. My entire team was arguing nonstop, placing blame in others while I quietly solo'd baron. As soon as that buff appeared, the negativity on my team was just flipped off and everyone was working together to secure objectives, followed by a swift win. 

So today I will be going down the list of champions in League and from my own experience, pointing out champions that I feel have game changing prowess or have more reliance on self-skill rather than team-skill to win games. However, this should not be taken as a tier list of solo queue champions or that you shouldn't pass champions you are good at in favor of these. 

Some things I consider in this list: 

1) Ability to initiate
2) Zoning capabilities
3) Split pushing
4) Very noticeable impact on team fights


Ahri - One charm while sieging/defending/playing footsies should be a guaranteed kill/flash. Just make sure you catch someone while the other team isn't in a position to follow up well or your team knows to disengage after the charm.

Alistar - Godlike initiate at almost all phases of the game. Early game, let the lane get pushed to your tower and flash/headbutt someone into your tower (requires almost no coordination with adc for a kill). Mid/Late game, flash/pulverize entire team and headbutt squishies into your team. Also works for securing baron (zone jungler away to relieve smite pressure). 

Anivia - Incredible zoning and wave clearing capabilities. Her ult pretty much stops any sieging attempt and a well placed wall can completely screw up the positioning of the enemy team.

Ashe - Ever get fed early game as an ADC but lose team fights because no one initiates well? Just pick Ashe and initiate with arrow on your own terms rather than relying on your team to go in at the right time. 

Blitzcrank - One correct pull = someone dead. Solo queue terror.

Gragas - His ult can split an entire team up, position it so that a non-tank gets thrown towards your team and have fun with your 5v4 now.

Jarvan IV - If you are able to save your ult until you get initiated on, you can run past their front lane and keep their carries out of the fight with Cataclysm while your team kills everything else.

Kayle - Smart usage of her Intervention can make or break fights, coupled with a very strong laning phase makes her great in solo queue.

Lux - One QER combo often equals someone dead or low enough that a team backs off. Very strong while sieging or defending, combo her with Nidalee and get your free win.

Morgana - As with Kayle, smart usage of her Shield can really negate a lot of damage being put out and save people about to get cc'd when they are out of position.

Nidalee - AP Nidalee can carry a team all by herself, as long as you get out of her weak early game. Once you get a couple AP items, her javelins can zone an entire team all by herself and if one connects, it usually forces a team to back off. Just be careful of hard engage.

Nunu - Top lane Nunu is beginning to pick up steam after soaz displayed it during LCS, although Nunu has been good for a long time. Almost no unwinnable matchups, nearly impossible to kill in fights, and most importantly, the ability to solo baron at ~20 minutes can carry the hell out of almost any team. Smashgizmo outlines top Nunu really well on his blog.

Orianna - Absolutely amazing utility can control the pace of a team fight. Ultimate combos with other intiators (Malphite, J4, etc) on enemy team, zoning with QW, clutch shields on those about to die and using her W as a Reverie/slow, Orianna is a very strong pick mid and can carry games really well.

Shen - Stand United can save people caught out of position, but most importantly, it has the ability to split push lanes while your team is contesting other objectives, forcing the enemy team between stopping your push or engaging on your team.

Thresh - Think of Blitzcrank with a not as great grab, but in return, you get the ability to save people out of position and some great CC for team fights.

Singed/Volibear - Catch one person with your fling and if your team can follow up, it's now a 5v4.

Xerath - Aside from Lux/Nidalee, Xerath probably has the best poke in the game. Well placed Qs and ults can force teams off objectives, even if you don't kill them.

Yorick/Zilean - Yorick ult can be used offensively or defensively, either giving your carry more time in a fight if they got dived or doubling their damage during a fight where they can just auto attack. Zilean ult can dissuade a team from killing someone with the buff currently on them, as well as make a lot of assassins useless in fights after they blow all their cds.


This list shouldn't be taken as who is good in solo queue and who isn't. If someone is very good at their champion, they can usually carry their team to victory. Ultimately  it comes down to skill rather than champion picks to win and these champions can impact a game moreso than others.

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